Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Line graph comparison 1

The graph shows the changes in the number of immigration in to the UK by people from West Indies, India and Pakistan by date of entry to the UK from 1940 to 1980.

The biggest change was in 1960 that it was about five thousand then it peaked at thirty five thousand. After that it dropped to five thousand in 1970, From the year 1940 to 1960 it remained stabiles most of the time with few changes that Between 1960-1970 there was not stabilization, it fluctuated very much with a big difference between West Indies, India and Pakistani immigration.
In conclusion, the number of people from India and Pakistan are bigger than the number of people from West Indies that immigration to the UK in period from 1940-1980.

Argument essay 2- Examinations

In many countries all around the world the way to pass your education level is through examinations. Lots of people say that exams are unfair way of assessment and should not be used at the Higher College of Technology in the United Arab Emirates. There are two asides which I will discuss.

Examinations make students nervous, they feel stressed about taking the exams which make them lose marks and do not do well. It’s also unfair way to assess knowledge considering that the exams for all the year are in one or two week each exam follow the other day by day, That’s why student feel nervous, this is why most of the people want home work and the all year work counted to pass the year this is the way to assess student progress because it’s better to do things counted as marks to pass when you are not under pressure. Most of the people who agree that say this will affect all the career life for the students in the future.

On another hand teachers and professors believe that exams are a good incentive for students to study and review course materials. For those who say that’s its unfair for students to be asses by examination, they reply: the tests are fair assessments because the same exam is taken by all the students and it helps the student to know what they understand and do not understand of the course content”.
In conclusion, almost all of the schools and even colleges and universities are using examinations as a way to assess students. In my opinion examinations are better because it will keep you under pressure only during the exams time but if the assess are all year that means you will be under pressure
all the year.

Argument essay- Animal testing

Have you ever considered at fact that every year millions of animals undergo painful death as result of scientific research? Because while most people think animal testing is necessary, others are upset by what they see as needless suffering. This essay outlines some of the arguments for and against animal testing.

First, let’s look at the arguments. One very positive point is that many medical treatments and procedures have been developed from such experiments. Since animal share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs. Moreover, there is a large supply of animals. Some, such as mice and rats, have many babies, and there is no danger of extinction for these species. Finally, some advocates think that animals are less valuable than propel. If there is a mistake, it will not cost a human life.

However, there are also a number of arguments against animal testing. Perhaps the most important point is that animals may be suffering unnecessarily. Critics do not believe that every new drug needs to be tested on animals. Furthermore, some feel animal testing is ineffective; they point out that many drugs still have to be withdrawn from the market despite extensive testing. Last, some campaigners would like to see alternative used. They feel more human testing is possible and, too, that we could rely more on organ donors.

To conclude, I believe we need to ensure that animals used for experimental purpose do not suffer much pain. Although some animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures mercifully will demonstrate our humanity.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

numbers of transport modes

The table provide us an information about numbers of miles travelled in Wales by various forms of transport in two given date which is nineteen ninety and two thousand and five. The table describes the numbers sorted per mode of transport.

The modes have increased in numbers except the local busses, it used to be four hundred and twenty nine thousand, but it decreased to two hundred forty seven thousand. The biggest change was in cars, the number in cars in 1990 used to be three thousand one hundred ninety nine thousand but in 2005 it became 4806 thousand and follow by trains which in 1990 was 289 thousand and in 2005 changed to 366 thousand. The other modes like walking, bicycle, coach and taxi increased in number but not that much, only by single numbers. The overall change in all modes between the 1990 and 2005 that in 1990 the number was 4740 thousand and in 2005 is 6475 thousand that an increase by 1735 thousand.

In conclusion, there are many changes between the two years. All modes increased in number except the local busses.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

This table

This table provides information about three countries located in the United Kingdom. The table shows number of population, land, area in square miles and information about language, economy, terrain, climate and exports for England, Scotland and Wales.

First, is the population where England comes in first and is followed by Scotland then Wales. The three countries speak English, but Scotland speaks Gaelic too and Wales speaks Welsh.
England is the largest and its terrain is mainly flat, Scotland is smaller but the terrain is mountains, Wales is the smallest between the other two countries and it’s same as Scotland in terrain. They all have the same climate which is cool and wet, but they have difference exports. For example, Scotland exports oil, heavy engineering products, but England exports wool, dairy products and pharmaceuticals. Wales exports wool, dairy products and coal.

In conclusion, they are similar but they have few differences which is unique on the same land mass.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Drugs are a big problem all around the world. Drugs are becoming more and more common in many countries and there are problems associated with drug abuse like medical effects and crime. This essay will look at this global issue and outline possible solutions.

The first and the most common problem are the medical effects; there are very serious effects which may kill the drug user. Another problem is there will be lots of crimes with people who look for drugs and most of them have no money to buy drugs. So the only way to get money is to steal or commit a crime.

Considering this issue as a global issue the entire world is looking for effective solutions. The most affective is to increase police control of this market. Still if there are people who offer drugs there must still be a demand for them so we need to educate people about drugs and the medical effects. That’s both the family and society can help. For example, in Singapore they execute the drug dealers and even in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the United Arab Emirates they give warning about dealing with drugs, they also educate kids in schools and there are rules that control the society and keep it safe.

Overall, people who are inducting to drugs need help from society and people around them. We have to keep our countries and families away from drugs.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Heart attack in USA

These pie charts shows three age group of heart attacks in the united State of America per year. It shows it by the two sex males and females. The three group is the age between 29-44, 45-64, 65+.

First it shows the mails scale then the women’s. It shows that in the first group men have the range of one hundred and twenty three and the women’s range is three per year. The second group is the ages between 45-64 years and it shows that the range increased in men’s to 424 and women’s to 136. The last group is the 65 years and plus and its increase for both men and women’s to be 440 for men and 374 for women’s.

All in all, we can see that the older people have higher range of getting hart attacked of the younger people and the men’s range are more than the women’s range.

Top ten date-producing countries

This bar graph shows date produsing countries and shows only the top tenth of them in the year two thousand and one.
The top producing country is Egypt and it produce one million and one hundred ton of dates and it gets follow by Iran that produce nine hundred thousand ton, the third place is for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia that’s produce seven hundred thousand ton. The remaining countries comes in order, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Pakistan, Algeria, Oman, Sudan and the last country of the top ten is Libya by producing one hundred thousand ton.
Over all, you can see that Egypt and Iran have the majority but Sudan and Libya is in the minority.

Monday, February 8, 2010

how to fined solution

This essay will show how to find a solution for every problem we faced and what the steps to select a solution.

There are many kind of problem we may faced in our life, it could be a financial problem, family problem, business problem or anything else does not seems right. First you should know the problem where did it start and how far dose it go and how far it will go, then you have to think about reasonable solutions and give the best solution a try to solve the problem, some time there are many solutions for a problem but the smart is selecting the easiest one that will not make too much lost for you.

In conclusion, the bad solution will make more problems after solving the one you solve it with the bad solution so you have to be careful when you select a solution.

the pie graph

The pie graph shows seven emirates in the United Arab Emirates and it shows the percentage of how big they are.

The biggest emirate is Abu Dhabi which is the capital. After Abu Dhabi the biggest would be Dubai. Abu Dhabi is about eighty six percent which is sixty seven thousand and three hundred forty square kilometers and Dubai is only five percent which means it is three thousand and eight hundred eighty five square kilometers. All of the other emirates are about eight percent.
In conclusion, Abu Dhabi is the biggest emirate, and it is the capital. Dubai and the other emirates is smaller than Abu Dhabi.