Saturday, February 27, 2010

This table

This table provides information about three countries located in the United Kingdom. The table shows number of population, land, area in square miles and information about language, economy, terrain, climate and exports for England, Scotland and Wales.

First, is the population where England comes in first and is followed by Scotland then Wales. The three countries speak English, but Scotland speaks Gaelic too and Wales speaks Welsh.
England is the largest and its terrain is mainly flat, Scotland is smaller but the terrain is mountains, Wales is the smallest between the other two countries and it’s same as Scotland in terrain. They all have the same climate which is cool and wet, but they have difference exports. For example, Scotland exports oil, heavy engineering products, but England exports wool, dairy products and pharmaceuticals. Wales exports wool, dairy products and coal.

In conclusion, they are similar but they have few differences which is unique on the same land mass.

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